5 Heartwarming Ways Your Furry Friend Says 'I Love You'

You've heard it said that a dog is man's best friend, and if you're lucky enough to have a four-legged companion in your life, you know this to be absolutely true!

Dogs don't have the words to express their feelings, but they've got a whole lot of other tricks up their furry sleeves to tell us just how much they adore us.

Numerous studies, like the one from Azabu University in Japan, have revealed that dogs and their owners experience increased levels of oxytocin (the "love hormone") during eye contact and petting sessions, proving scientifically what we've all felt in our hearts - our dogs truly love us!

Let's take a closer look at the top 5 ways our furry pals show their affection:

Eye Contact: Dogs only sustain eye contact with humans they truly trust and love. Prolonged eye contact between dogs and their humans causes a rise in oxytocin, the hormone associated with trust and bonding. So next time your pooch locks eyes with you, know it’s not just a look, it’s a confession of affection.

Leaning on You: Ever noticed how your dog likes to lean against you? This is their way of saying, "I feel safe and comfortable with you." It's an adorable sign that they see you as a source of comfort and protection, showcasing their trust in you. So next time you find your furry friend leaning on you, cherish that moment, it’s a clear sign of their love.

Tail Wagging: Not all tail wagging is created equal. A relaxed, full-body wag that seems to start at their nose and wiggle all the way to their tail is pure doggie love! This is an enthusiastic expression of joy that your dog reserves for their favorite people. This kind of tail wagging doesn't just mean they're happy to see you, it's a clear and visible sign of their affection.

Following You Around: While it might feel like your dog is your tiny, furry shadow sometimes, rest assured, this is another surefire sign of their adoration for you. This constant companionship is a dog's way of saying, "I love you so much, I want to spend every possible moment with you." It’s a truly heartwarming sign that you’re the center of their world.

Licking Your Face: This might not be everyone's favorite, but doggie kisses are a primal way for dogs to express their affection. According to Alexandra Horowitz, a dog cognition scientist, when dogs lick your face, they're not just showing affection but also acknowledging that you're their family. Even though it might be a bit sloppy, it's a pure and instinctive expression of love.

Remember, love is not just a feeling but also an action.

And what better way to express your love for your pooch than making sure they're well-groomed and comfortable?

Get in touch with us at Tails A Waggin at (702) 538-7600 today and let's give your furry friend the pampering they deserve!


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